Sunday, September 20, 2009

Kaplan GRE Wordlist - Part 1

Abdicate - To step down from a position of Power
Abridge - To shorten, condense or lessen in length
Absolve - to forgive or free from blame
Abysmal - extremely wretched, bottomless
Acquiesce - to comply passively, to give in
Advocate - to support, or be in favor of
Aesthetic - concerned with or appreciative of beauty
Affinity - sympathy, attraction, kinship
Agenda - Program, things to be done
Aggrandize - to make great
Allusion - an indirect reference
Altruistic - unselfish concern with the welfare of others
Amnesty - an official pardon for a group of people who violate a law
Animosity - ill will, active dislike
Anomalous - irregular, abnormal, unusual
Arduous - difficult to do, laborious
Augment - to increase or enlarge
Austere - stern in manner or appearance, strict in morals
Aversion - strong or fixed dislike, a feeling of repugnance
Banal - commonplace, trite, unoriginal
Baroque - extravagantly ornate, flamboyant, characterized by bold ornamentation
Begrudge - to envy another’s possessions, to concede reluctantly
Benediction - a blessing, a good wish
Benign - gentle, not harmful, kind
Blanch - to turn pale
Blithe - happily, lighthearted, joyful
Botch - to bungle, to foul up
Bracing - invigorating, to prepare
Broach - to open up a subject for discussion
Buffoon - clown or fool
Bulwark - something used as a defense, a strong protection
Cache - a hiding place, something hidden in a secret place
Callous - unfeeling and insensitive
Candor - truthfulness, great honesty, frankness
Capitulate - to surrender, to stop resisting
Catharsis - an emotional purification, an emotional release
Caustic - biting in humor
Censure - the act of blaming or condemning
Chastise - to criticize severely
Chronic - constant, lasting a long time
Circumspect - careful, thought through
Clemency - disposition towards mercy, mildness
Clique - an exclusive group
Coalesce - to come together as one, to fuse or unite
Coherent - making sense, organize and logical
Colloquial - conversational, used in informal speech
Compatible - able to get along well
Convey - to transport, to conduct, to communicate
Conviction - determination, a state of being convinced
Copious - abundant, lavish
Corroborate - to support with evidence
Craven - cowardly
Criterion - standard for judging
Cursory - brief, without much attention to detail
Dearth - a shortage
Deference - respect, courtesy
Deft - skillful
Delineate - to describe or picture in words, to detail
Delude - to deceive, to have false illusion
Depravity - moral corruption
Depreciate - to lessen in value, to belittle
Desecrate - to treat with disrespect
Destitute - very poor, totally lacking
Diatribe - a denunciation, a biting speech
Didactic - instructive, intended to educate
Diffuse - wordy, not concentrated, to spread widely
Digress - to stray from the main subject
Discerning - keenly perceptive, shrewd
Discount - to deduct, to disregard
Diva - an opera singer, prima donna, a tempermental, conceited person
Docile - easily tought, submissive
Dogmatic - arrogantly assertive, positive about unproven ideas
Dormant - as though asleep, not actively growing
Dupe - to deceive, to trick
Ebb - to decline, to recede
Eccentric - nonconventional, a little kooky
Eclectic - drawn from many sources
Efface - to erase, to rub away the features, to obscure
Egocentric - self-involved, selfish
Egregious - extremely bad, flagrant
Elucidate - to make clear
Embellish - to add to, to exaggerate, garnish, ornament
Emigrate - to move to a new country, to move to a new place
Emissary - a messenger or representative, an agent
Emulate - to imitate, to strive to equal
Engaging - charming, interesting
Enigma - a puzzle, a baffling situation, something obscure
Enshroud - to cover, to enclose with a dark cover
Esoteric - understood by only a few
Eulogize - to speak in praise of someone, to pay written or spoken tribute
Exacerbate - to make worse or more severe
Exacting - greatly demanding, requiring close attention
Exalt - to raise high, to glorify
Exorbitant - extravagant, exceeding what is usual
Expedite - to make faster or easier, to carry out promptly
Explicit - clearly stated, precisely shown
Expunge - to erase, to strike out
Extol - to praise highly
Façade - the principal front of a building, a false appearance
Faction - a group, or part of large group, united on an issue

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