Sunday, September 20, 2009


Studying in the United States can be an inspiring, exciting, and rewarding experience, but it can also be difficult to finance. Truthfully, education in the United States is very expensive; students and their families pay a higher proportion of the cost of education compared to those in other countries. The cost of living, too, can be high relative to that in other countries. In addition, financial aid is limited and difficult to find. Foreign students must often compete with American students and other talented international students for the same limited funding. In any school, students who are residents of the same state pay instate fees and other pay out-state fees and there is quite a difference in the two amounts. Students who are awarded any kind of assistantships come under the category of instate fees, which is a very nominal amount. Other than this each one has to pay health insurance.

The best sources of aid for graduate students include aid from your home country, U.S. federal aid (such as the Fulbright grant), nongovernmental sources, and especially the academic department in your field of study at your university in the U.S.

  • Fellowships are offered to students with extremely brilliant academic record, test scores supported by excellent recommendation letters and essays. Fellowships comprise of tuition waiver plus grant for living expenses.
  • Graduate assistantships are offered to students by the university wherein they would be working on campus part-time as student helpers in graduate offices, consultants in computer labs etc. This may or may not cover the tuition. These are offered at the time of admission or can be applied for after school starts. One is eligible to apply for graduate assistantships in other department also but people of same department are given preference. Assistantships: An assistantship is a type of work-scholarship program that is unique to graduate students in the United States. Depending on the university and your type of assistantship, you would generally work 10-20 hours per week, and in exchange you would receive a full or partial tuition waiver or reduction, and a small stipend to cover your living expenses. You will not be considered for an assistantship until you have been accepted into a graduate program, and doctoral candidates are generally preferred over Master’s candidates. There are basically three types of assistantships:
  • Tuition waivers, which cover only the tuition and one, has to either work on-campus for living expenses or bear it with personal funds.
  • If you are a PhD aspirant or if you have good credentials in undergraduate school then you can get teaching assistantships at the time of admission. There are grading and teaching assignment. Many schools offer this on the basis of seminars given by you. You will have to take an oral proficiency test and get a minimum requirement to be eligible for a TA position. Some schools encourage for TA applications across departments. If your field of study is taught at the undergraduate level, you stand a chance of securing a teaching assistantship. These positions usually involve conducting small classes, delivering lectures, correcting class work, grading papers, counseling students, and supervising laboratory groups. Appointments are based on academic qualifications and are subject to the availability of funds within a department. Obviously, your command of the English language is extremely important for this type of assistantship, and your job offer may carry the stipulation that you must pass an additional English exam when you arrive at the University, as well as go through additional training. If you are interested in a teaching assistantship, contact the academic department.
  • Co-operative education is an option where you can work off-campus i.e. in companies on a part-time basis. This option will be open to you either after the first semester or first year of study. You will have to file an application for a work permit also called the practical training card (PT) at the international students office to be eligible for taking up this option. Also you have to show a good record in the course taken. Local companies usually entertain students for co-operative education option.
  • Scholarships: Many universities offer tuition waver and other types of scholarship to students. Do search for them at various scholarship search sites.
  • Research Assistantships: This type usually requires that you assist in the research activities of a faculty member. Although it is less rare to receive this type of award your first year of graduate school, contact the department after being admitted and describe your particular research interests. If you are interested in a research assistantship, contact the department, and perhaps the particular professor you wish to work with, if s/he is conducting that type of research. This is perfectly appropriate and you do not need an introduction. Write a formal letter describing your interest in the research, your previous research experience and credentials, and explain why you think you would be a productive member of the research team.
  • Administrative Assistantships: Unlike the previous assistantships, this type is not necessarily connected to your academic area of study. This type involves working at an administrative office of a university, such as admissions, student affairs, residence life, or library. These involve more searching because they are not offered by your academic department, but you can go to the individual websites of those departments or look on the student employment web page (often in the Career Center or Placement Office website). Fellowships and Grants: These awards are similar to assistantships, but have no work requirement. They are comparatively rare, and sometimes come from outside organizations.

Apart from these, other sources like on-campus jobs and freelance work can help you manage your finances.

Kaplan GRE Wordlist - Part 1

Abdicate - To step down from a position of Power
Abridge - To shorten, condense or lessen in length
Absolve - to forgive or free from blame
Abysmal - extremely wretched, bottomless
Acquiesce - to comply passively, to give in
Advocate - to support, or be in favor of
Aesthetic - concerned with or appreciative of beauty
Affinity - sympathy, attraction, kinship
Agenda - Program, things to be done
Aggrandize - to make great
Allusion - an indirect reference
Altruistic - unselfish concern with the welfare of others
Amnesty - an official pardon for a group of people who violate a law
Animosity - ill will, active dislike
Anomalous - irregular, abnormal, unusual
Arduous - difficult to do, laborious
Augment - to increase or enlarge
Austere - stern in manner or appearance, strict in morals
Aversion - strong or fixed dislike, a feeling of repugnance
Banal - commonplace, trite, unoriginal
Baroque - extravagantly ornate, flamboyant, characterized by bold ornamentation
Begrudge - to envy another’s possessions, to concede reluctantly
Benediction - a blessing, a good wish
Benign - gentle, not harmful, kind
Blanch - to turn pale
Blithe - happily, lighthearted, joyful
Botch - to bungle, to foul up
Bracing - invigorating, to prepare
Broach - to open up a subject for discussion
Buffoon - clown or fool
Bulwark - something used as a defense, a strong protection
Cache - a hiding place, something hidden in a secret place
Callous - unfeeling and insensitive
Candor - truthfulness, great honesty, frankness
Capitulate - to surrender, to stop resisting
Catharsis - an emotional purification, an emotional release
Caustic - biting in humor
Censure - the act of blaming or condemning
Chastise - to criticize severely
Chronic - constant, lasting a long time
Circumspect - careful, thought through
Clemency - disposition towards mercy, mildness
Clique - an exclusive group
Coalesce - to come together as one, to fuse or unite
Coherent - making sense, organize and logical
Colloquial - conversational, used in informal speech
Compatible - able to get along well
Convey - to transport, to conduct, to communicate
Conviction - determination, a state of being convinced
Copious - abundant, lavish
Corroborate - to support with evidence
Craven - cowardly
Criterion - standard for judging
Cursory - brief, without much attention to detail
Dearth - a shortage
Deference - respect, courtesy
Deft - skillful
Delineate - to describe or picture in words, to detail
Delude - to deceive, to have false illusion
Depravity - moral corruption
Depreciate - to lessen in value, to belittle
Desecrate - to treat with disrespect
Destitute - very poor, totally lacking
Diatribe - a denunciation, a biting speech
Didactic - instructive, intended to educate
Diffuse - wordy, not concentrated, to spread widely
Digress - to stray from the main subject
Discerning - keenly perceptive, shrewd
Discount - to deduct, to disregard
Diva - an opera singer, prima donna, a tempermental, conceited person
Docile - easily tought, submissive
Dogmatic - arrogantly assertive, positive about unproven ideas
Dormant - as though asleep, not actively growing
Dupe - to deceive, to trick
Ebb - to decline, to recede
Eccentric - nonconventional, a little kooky
Eclectic - drawn from many sources
Efface - to erase, to rub away the features, to obscure
Egocentric - self-involved, selfish
Egregious - extremely bad, flagrant
Elucidate - to make clear
Embellish - to add to, to exaggerate, garnish, ornament
Emigrate - to move to a new country, to move to a new place
Emissary - a messenger or representative, an agent
Emulate - to imitate, to strive to equal
Engaging - charming, interesting
Enigma - a puzzle, a baffling situation, something obscure
Enshroud - to cover, to enclose with a dark cover
Esoteric - understood by only a few
Eulogize - to speak in praise of someone, to pay written or spoken tribute
Exacerbate - to make worse or more severe
Exacting - greatly demanding, requiring close attention
Exalt - to raise high, to glorify
Exorbitant - extravagant, exceeding what is usual
Expedite - to make faster or easier, to carry out promptly
Explicit - clearly stated, precisely shown
Expunge - to erase, to strike out
Extol - to praise highly
Façade - the principal front of a building, a false appearance
Faction - a group, or part of large group, united on an issue